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SATAN never takes a holiday, and that is the very reason and purpose for this website, to expose Satan’s plan to destroy the very fabric and foundation of Christian doctrine. Satan, never eases up...

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If you accept God's word, and that of his Son Jesus Christ, you are a Christian.

If you don't accept God's word, and that of his Son Jesus Christ, you are not a Christian.

It's just that simple!

I John 2:22 - "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son."


For years, the mainstream Christian establishment has told us that all races come from Adam and Eve. They tell us that all the people of the world are in fact descendants from Adam. But is this tru...

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The Original Sin

All my life, and I am sure all of yours, we have been told that the original sin in the garden of Eden was the breaking of God's law on eating or partaking of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of g...

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God's Chosen People

All of my life, and probably yours, we have been told that the Jews are God's chosen people. If that is true then exactly who and where are these people, and why is there so much confusion about God...

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Migration Chart Of God's True Chosen People

Here is a beautiful chart to make plain God's plan through the ages for his people, and to bring to light the heritage of his chosen servants. View full size Download PDF ...

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Gentile On My Mind

I am not talking about that old song “Gentle on my mind”, I'm talking about the word “Gentile” in the bible, and how its true meaning has been overlooked or intentionally misinterpreted by Ch...

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Be Ye Separate

We know that the original sin committed in the garden of Eden was Eve having sexual intercourse outside of her own kind in direct violation of God's instruction. We also know the punishment handed d...

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The Seed Of Satan

You may find this hard to believe, because I do, there are Christians today who believe that Satan, an evil and totally corrupt entity is not an actual being, but rather a symbolic symbol for sinfuln...

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The Murder Of Jesus Christ - Who Done It?

There is an ongoing debate as to why, how and who is actually guilty for the murder of Jesus Christ. The scriptures are clear about the identity of those responsible. However, today many Christians...

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Can Christ Forgive All Sin?

I have been told all my life that, through Christ all sins can be forgiven, but is this true. Can a person commit a sin that even Christ cannot or will not forgive? The answer is yes. All Christian...

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Why And For Who Did Christ Come?

We have all been told by Christian preachers that Jesus Christ came for the forgiveness of sin for all the people of the world but is this statement true. In Matthew chapter 15 verse 24 Christ himse...

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Line Item Veto

I know, you're probably thinking "What a weird title." First, let me give you a definition for a line-item veto. It's a special form of veto power that authorizes a chief executive to re...

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To Burn Or Not To Burn, That Is The Question

We all know about the problem that some, and particularly one, Christian denomination has with its leaders abusing and molesting young boys and girls. I have personally read interviews from some of t...

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Thy Rod, Staff And Sword They Comfort Me

Christianity has been under attack every since God began to dwell with man in the flesh though his Son Jesus Christ. Because of these attacks Christians have always armed themselves for the protecti...

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I'm Out Of Here! The Rapture

Is there any evidence in the bible that supports the idea of God's people being raptured out of this world before the time of the great tribulation that so many Christians seem to believe? Well, let...

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What's In A Name?

What is in a name, fact is, quite a lot. The name “God” which most Christians use is not a name at all, but a description or title of a deity, one who is perfect, omnipotent and the creator and ...

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What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Biblical history confirms that every time God's chosen race, the Adamites, turn away from God's instructions in the bible they find themselves in a world of hurt, trouble and punishment. Today, Ameri...

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The Marx Of The Dragon

The title of this subject is a bit misleading, the Marx in the title is about Karl Marx. Surely you remember Karl Marx and his satanically inspired anti-God, anti-Christ socialist communist ideology...

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